Poems to Dance the Year

OSTARA~Honoring The Renewal of Life
Spring stands at her threshold without object
or larking second thought.
Within chartreuse landscapes
Pink buds push through old skin
Where they have cocooned in liturgies of peace
Embraced by cold grace.
An equinoctial balance as day dissipates dark
In momentary side by side harmony,
Sandwiched in Mysteries of meta and material.
A soulful asylum of neither right nor wrong,
Here, not there, first or last.
Let us stop to honor Gaia’s pulsing extravagance
Before onward,
Before life, green with love, bursts old boundaries.
Astrological Energies of Spring
Wisdom Body Notes for March 20-30 by Samantha Cameron
The Equinox, like the Solstice are meta moments of higher harmony, beckoning our connection to Mother Earth and her place in the Cosmic firmament. They are opportune shifts when we can replenish personal energies and set intention to move into a new season, especially from winter dark to vibrant spring green.
This year, oh lucky us, Ostara is wedged between the spring Eclipses, March 14 and 29th, helping us refresh consciousness by clearing old debris and tired ideas. Chaotic as this may be, it adds to the spiritual drive and magic of the Equinox, when the veil is very thin between worlds. This energy is a gift. Use it wisely to create a higher, loving vision of your life.
We are also in the ‘review arms of both Venus and Mercury, offering a time of deepening inner wisdom through review and redo. It’s an auspicious moment to ask: What is my wisdom from the past that needs updating? How do I see a greater truth that the one I held before? When is it appropriate to release and re-make old pattens and dynamics that worked before but no longer support me? Mercury is Retrograde in Aires and Pisces until April 7. Venus is Rx in Aires and Pisces as well until April 12. Think of these personal Rx of mind and heart as healing activists to set us on higher paths and bigger truths.
On the very last day of March, as the second spring Eclipse takes place, Neptune, the great Sea God of spirit, creativity, dreams, loss and confusion changes signs. This is momentous as the last time he left Pisces for Aires we had the Civil War. This will be an unhappy move for our watery god as he leaves his comfy home territory of Pisces to move into the uncomfortable fire of Aires.
We are in a re-birth portal, releasing complacency and ignorance, making it more important than ever to listen to your wisdom body, your fine intuition, higher mind and spiritual intent.
Thank you for following, subscribing and sharing my blog. Special gratitude to those supporting my work through booking consultations. You inspire my life and writing. 💖 Samantha
ASTROLOGIC OFFERINGS: Along with the natal deep dive, uncovering soulful aspirations of past/present/future, we can look at the year ahead with a Solar Return, which reveals the incoming cycle and what you will meet and master.
These also make wonderful gift certificates for those you care deeply about.
“I consult from psychological, metaphysical perspectives, keeping the energetic information practical and useful to navigate as we deep dive into your life.” Contact Samantha at samcatcam@gmail.com ~or text 508-505-7700
contact Samantha for information & invitation: samcatcam@gmail.com
Saturdays 9-10:30 AM ET mixed level Vinyasa
Wednesdays 5:30-6:45 PM ET mixed level Vinyasa via Laughing Dog Yoga
Thursdays 8:30-9:30 AM ET stretch and core Pilates
HAPPY BIRTHDAY dear Aires Spiritual Warriers! Go get ’em. Lead us on in courage and heart felt desire as you grow the world greener and more beautiful. It’s going to be a powerful year for you, with large shifts to your old life. You will begin to see your life from a wider viewpoint with more compassion and understanding. Ask for what you desire -then thank the Universe for providing it.