The Shakti Yoga Dance, “Liquid Love” calls upon the divine to listen to our broken hearts, and to lead us onward. All my yoga/dance choreographies are created from the desire to share the energies of hope, love and joy. Each of us longs for the heart to be bolder ~to stretch beyond who we were. The international Shakti Sisterhood of teachers and dancers reaches out in support of one another, and of those in need. These dances have raised our vibration, deepened the ‘wisdom body,’ and opened our imaginative vision to a wider world. Come join us, join the dance!


YOU ARE JOYOUSLY INVITED TO “BECOMING YOU!” Come! Dive deep into the heart-essence of Shakti, Goddess of love who empowers healing,  expands awareness, and offers mastery of the mat through new perspectives.  We grow creatively from the layered integration of Yoga, song, dance, mudra, chakra, poetry, pranayama, and Shakti Goddesses.  The Wisdom Body is elevated dance by dance, offering a magical submersion into our passion, power, and potential.  As we virtually dance together we transform, creating greater awareness of ‘Emotional Intelligence.  We learn to incorporate psychological energies embodied within Shakti Goddesses, and we hear our own spiritual song expressed. The best part? Becoming part of a joyous, loving community, despite miles and time zones.  

*Sunday Sessions run 9:00 AM-12 PM-ET, Oct. 6-Nov. 24th.

* Fee  $500/460E.  OR ~You may take a single three hour session for pure joy. Fee $50/47 E

*For teachers- this is YA certified. Earn 40 hour CEU virtual hours of credit.

*A manual is created from class notes of original choreographies, and homework. You keep videos of each original dance, with notes of its multiple layers.

*Trainings are highly physical, with a spiritual chaser, offering alchemical discoveries from the meditation within each dance.

*For questions and sign up ~contact Samantha at: -overview of training & registration

*All sessions taught by Shakti Yoga Dance creator, Samantha Cameron, E-RYT-500, MA dance and choreography UCLA. Professional Astrologer.  For information about Samantha’s teaching read MysticMag:

#YogaDance #WisdomBody #CosmicInfluences #TeacherTrainings #ShaktiYogaDance #AstrologicalEnergies #SoulDance

Astrological Energies of Fall


“Fall seven times, stand up eight.”  Japanese proverb

Wisdom Body Notes, Oct. 13-21 by Samantha Cameron

With the upcoming Warrior Full Moon in Aires shouting “GO!”  Retrograde  Jupiter shouting “WAIT!” And the dark god of power and control, Pluto, slowly closing down his 18 year journey in Capricorn, we are in for BIG change.  If you have been feeling stuck, tired, or frustrated~ the fiery Full Moon on the 17th is sure to kick you into action. Be careful of instant decisions, as not only is the energy lit by Aires passion, but it is uber-charged as a ‘Super Moon,’ and in a fierce T-Square arrangement with Mars, its ruler, and Pluto.  Remember ‘Super Moons’ are closest to the earth, affecting tides, electromagnetic fields, and nervous systems. Plus, any combination of Mars with Pluto creates potent, bold force fields, powerful execution and all too often hot-headed retaliation.  Aires/Mars energies ask for leadership, action and courage, while deeply emotional Pluto seeks Underworld paths of power and control.  Creating balance, serenity, and thoughtful responses takes work and time, but pause long enough to be motivated by slow and thoughtful productivity.

These volatile double forces working in tandem with the Super full Moon will arouse protests, and revolutionary action in the world.  Within Self we can feel fearful, angry, and uncomfortable.  It is a time to remember that the word ‘courage’ comes from the ancient Norman French word ‘coeur’ meaning heart.  

The poet, David Whyte, writes; “Courage is the measure of our heartfelt participation with life, with another, with a community, a work; a future.  To be courageous is not necessarily to go anywhere or do anything except to make conscious those things we already feel deeply….”  It is time to open to the deep knowing within,  and deal with shadow material so that outer unhappy circumstances and relationships can heal or end.

Perhaps using this Full Moon and its volatile forces can be an opportunity of Chironic healing?  With the Moon at 24 Aires and Chiron, the wounded healer’ at 21 Aires, our fiery emotional bodies are crying out for redemptive healing.  Whatever Chiron connects to asks for silent healing prayers of comfort for childhood wounding.  These can grow into portals of power as we release and move out from under old stuck paradigms.  When working with Chiron, I am reminded of the inherent power woven into the muscle of old wounds, that as we work and transform these memories, we grow as a healer for self, AND others.  We know better than anyone the difficulty and depth charge of rising from that specific darkness.  Remember the quote by Confucius.  “To be wronged is nothing unless you continue to remember it.”  I would add that massaging and elevating old wounds into every decision and conversation creates an enormous poverty of being.

Take time on Thursday 17th for a healing ritual under the Full Moon.  At the very least go out and howl. Listen to the ‘thirst of longing’ within your howls to set you on your new path.

The Full Moon arrives ‘fully loaded’ from last weeks enormous cosmic shifts of

Jupiter, the great roly-poly god of MORE, turned inward/Retrograde on the 9th, in Gemini, where he remains ‘inward’ until Feb. 3, 2025.  Jupiter rules ‘higher mind’ and as he moves through Gemini of the lower mind, we will feel his outward exuberance, expanded vision, spiritual or religious intention, desires for freedom, long-distance journeys, and ethics, coming home to roost and root for re-do in Gemini’s talents of curiosity, ideas, and conversations.  Take time for inner tune-in to allow big ideas and plans to percolate.  Jupiter Retrograde informs us that we do not have all the information we need, nor the best vision yet to see it through.  His inward journey requires a deep breath of faith, and peace before manifesting his next expansive idea, hope, or dream.  As the great gassy sky god of “more is more” we may discover during his Rx that more has become too much.  As his cosmic energies shift from outer to inner information, we shall be pushed to consolidate, refine, and embody greater power in the Gemini-quotidian use of mind.

Forty-eight hours after Jupiter stationed on the 9th, we had the second grandiose cosmic turning with Pluto, sky god of power, control, death, sex, taxes, and transformation, turning direct on the 11th to finish his last steps in Capricorn.  This slow forward motion finally moves the world to the end of Pluto’s 18-year journey through the sign of big biz, big power, and all too often toxic leadership.  On Nov. 20, 2024 he makes his final shift into Aquarius, sign of revolution, evolution, freedom, and the rise of grass roots brotherhood /sisterhood. As the planet furthest from earth, it’s difficult to feel Pluto’s energies personally, but we see his power in social, worldly events, often with up-scale violence to have greater power. Take time to reconsider personal power-moves, desires for control, and/or how to lead and transform energetically.  Large outer planetary ‘stations’ are pivotal times of worldly shifts, and when you have two back-to-back ‘evolutionary planets, the pivot is public, presumptuous and if not propitious, at the very least, propelling.  If you feel overwhelmed, and who does not? Find a home for this quote by Sri Nityananda: “The heart is the hub of all sacred places. Go there and roam in it.”

*If you wish to understand the power of a planet ‘Stationing’ or going Retrograde, go here:


Thank you for following, subscribing and sharing my blog. Special gratitude to those supporting my work through booking consultations.  You inspire my life and writing. 💖   Samantha

ASTROLOGIC OFFERINGS: Along with the natal deep dive, uncovering soulful aspirations of past/present/future, $150.00, or Solar Returns, $100, to examine and reveals plans for the birthday cycle around the Sun……New options of Cosmic-Bites now available for $50.00 each:

1. A lunar Return offers an expanded layering of ideas and consciousness to 28 days of time; This is the Moon’s cycle related specifically to you.

2. A psychologically cosmic deep dive into a specific question.

3. GIFT CERTIFICATES!  A reminder that an Astrologic Consultation is always a unique, and loving gift for friends and family.  When you purchase a natal consult as a gift, or you refer a client -I gift you with a free Lunar Return, or pondering a question.

“I consult from psychological, metaphysical perspectives, keeping the energetic information practical and useful to navigate as we deep dive into your life.”  Contact Samantha at ~or text  508-505-7700

“Your skill, wisdom and humor are such a gift! Thank you for my solar return and the pleasure of your company!”   Kate Stickley.  



All classes are hybrid.  If you can’t make class, go to my youtube channel and partake:

contact Samantha for information & invitation:

Tuesdays 8:30 AM Pilates -core & stretch

Wednesdays 5:30 PM, Vinyasa Yoga, mixed level through Laughing Dog .

Saturdays 9AM-ET – Vinyasa Yoga, mixed level

FOR BIRTHDAY BODIES: Do I need to tell you that your re-birth life is open to transformation?  That your mind is alive to new ideas and possibilities? That anger, old wounds, fear, and bias are up for re-do?  Be mindful of the unconscious forces that run you as they will be more pushy than usual.  Grow more accountable to the quiet voice of your heart, as the voice in your head will be potent and possibly fiery. Healing shadow material is not only possible but probable.  Use Chiron’s quiet force to wring out old, moldy hurts that now damage you more by their memory than they did with the original event.  The possibilities to be amazed by your power are endless.  Have at it!

Many joyous birthday returns!  I bow and sing to your beautiful spirit! Curious about your road ahead? Call me for a Solar Return deep dive!  508-505-7700

Sophia Circle invitation from Jacqueline Brodnitzki~”The world needs YOU—strong, grounded, clear, and living your purpose. This is not the time to play small! If you’re ready to stand in your power, live your highest expression, and use your heart, talents, and skills to create a radiant life.™  Begins October 21st. Learn more here.”

  • Consciously awaken through forming a direct connection with the Divine Mother
  • Balance your Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine qualities to stand in your power and true wisdom
  • Activate your own personal Divine genome and circle of empowerment for daily support

CLICK HERE to meet our New International Shakti Yoga Dance Instructors