ESTELLE CHASSANIOL ~France “Meeting Samantha as a teacher and creator of this ShaktivGoddesses’ Yoga-Dance space, is a gift. During the sessions of more than Yoga and Dance, Samantha allowed me to live the goddess in me and to reflect her in the mirrors of my being. Between Mantras, Mudras, astrology, techniques and Tools, and poems, this space heals the feminine by providing a place to take root. Samantha opened a door where I could find this space that guides my creativity. Dare to try the rhythm of my heart and find inspiration there. Yoga Dance Shakti Goddesses is an initiation where we grow together. Samantha is a wonderful guide who offers her knowledge without limit, who shares with her heart and soul and inspires. Learn each dance, let yourself be guided and then create. The tools offered, the rhythm of these moments. My Sundays were a sacred space to recharge. I have encountered a circle of goddesses and I can’t wait to see it evolve. Thank you, Samantha, for this space that you offer and guide so that everyone can find their inspiration and their flow and that together we grow in our feminine through these times of Yoga Dance in creation. SAMANTHA THANK YOU FOR BEING YOU AND FOR THE SPACE YOU OFFER US.
“Rencontrer Samantha comme enseignante et cr atrice de cet espace Yoga-Danse Shati Godesses, est un cadeau. Au cours des s ances plus que du Yoga et de la Danse, Samantha m’a permis de vivre la d esse en moi et de la refl ter dans les miroirs de mon tre. Entre les Mantras, Mudras, l’astrologie, les techniques et Outils, les po mes, cet espace gu rit le f minin en y apportant un lieu ou s’enraciner. Samantha a ouvert une porte o j’ai pu retrouver cet espace qui guide ma cr ativit . Oser tenter le rythme de mon coeur et y trouver l’inspiration. Yoga Dance Shakti Goddesses est une initiation ou nous grandissons ensemble. Samantha est une merveilleuse guide qui offre sans limite ses connaissances, qui partage avec son coeur et son me et inspire. Apprendre chaque danse, se laisser guider puis cr er. Les outils propos, le rythme de ces instants. Mes dimanches taient un espace sacr o se ressourcer. J’ai rencontr un cercle de d esse et j’ai h te de le voir voluer. Merci Samantha pour cet espace que tu offres et guides pour que chacune puisse trouver son inspiration et son flow et qu’ensemble nous grandissons dans notre feminin travers ces temps de Yoga Danse en creation. Si vous lisez ce texte n’h sitez pas vous pouvez passer le pas et rejoindre cet espace aussi et d poser vos pas de danse sur le tapis de Yoga au rythme de Shakti. SAMANTHA MERCI POUR TOI ET POUR L’ESPACE QUE TU CRES & NOUS OFFRES.
I have come to the understanding that dance, and yoga are “sacred technologies.” As such, they have a magical ability to transport us into new, expanded parts of ourselves. I learned that the layered creativity in the dances gave me opportunity to connect with inner parts of myself and that what lay below the surface rose up to reveal itself in deeper meaning. This teacher training has offered insights into how choreography can be a mirror to living an intentional life. The toolbox prepares the body for the best performance, allowing the steps to flow in a sequence that tells the story, and embodies a message. This calls in an ‘alchemical flow’ to infuse the whole with focused awareness, and an alignment of pure light. I realized that I have been more of a stage manager, rather than a choreographer. My new goal is to move forward with creative intention, mindfulness, and exuberance, connecting my humanity to art/ spirit/ joy!
The shakti yoga dance classes with Samantha were an amazing journey! I loved that we were women all around the globe and that Sunday afternoons became beautiful rituals. The combination of asanas, and dance choreography is a perfect match for me as I LOVE them both. It makes me feel more feminine in everything I do, and feminine energy is what the world needs. We are in a great transmission and we need people to become aware of that. The Shakti Yoga Dance teacher training was a big personal development for me as I realized the more we come into our bodies, the more we learn about ourselves, the more we can change the world. Thank you, Samantha.
I can’t express what this Shakti Yoga Dance Teacher training gave me. An amazing circle of beautiful sisters. A wider and deeper perspective and sense within my body. Incredibly valuable teaching and dancing tools. A deeper sense of self-confidence and love. Samantha is not just one of the best teachers I’ve ever encountered but also one of the most humble, graceful and joyful human beings. This teacher training goes deep in its main topics of dance and yoga and with that our bodies but also offers an opportunity to go deep within ourselves and share that with our sisters and with the world. After every Sunday Class, I have been filled with so much love and gratitude and so I am still now writing this. Thank you!
Ich kann gar nicht ausdrücken, was dieses Shakti Yoga Tanz Lehrer Seminar mir gegeben hat. Ein magischer Kreis von wunderbaren Schwestern. Eine erweiterte und vertiefte Perspektive und Erfahrung in meinem Körper. Unglaublich wertvolle Unterrichts- und Tanzhilfsmittel. Ein vertieftes Selbstbewusstsein und Liebe. Samantha ist nicht nur eine der besten Dozentinnen, die ich je erleben durfte, sondern auch eine der bescheidensten, anmutigsten und fröhlichsten Menschen. Dieses Lehrer Seminar geht vertieft in die Hauptbereiche Tanz und Yoga und damit unseren Körper aber schenkt uns zusätzlich die Möglichkeit noch tiefer in uns selbst zu tauchen und dies mit unseren Schwestern und der Welt zu teilen.
I thoroughly enjoyed Samantha’s style of teaching. The training took me deep within – “out of my head, and into my body”. I experienced a new freedom of movement, while enjoying relaxing, meditative states of mind. Shakti Yoga Dance embodies the intuitive flow of dance and the ancient wisdom of yoga. This training helped me to connect with my creativity and gave me an outlet for physical expression. I look forward to sharing this wonderful, new knowledge with my students.