Creating our Wisdom Body asks we integrate mind/body/emotion. It is not to ignore brain messaging but to bring internal awareness to the table first. Intuition becomes your primary tool. Then we turn to E.I. -Emotional Intelligence which explores and answers many ways and means of creating internal wisdom. Pay attention first to feelings and intuition. Begin creating a Wisdom body through five personal simple requests, then do the hard work of following them up.
Using Daniel Goleman’s, (creator of EI) primary list, helps define where and how we can learn in step-by-step fashion how to understand and manage our own emotions and feelings, as well as those of others. In this lens of self-awareness, you grow more objective, just as when using Astrology to stand back and take the long view, without judgment. This also gives others the opportunity to have their voice heard.
Self Awareness- especially emotional self-awareness
Self Regulation- includes reflection, integrity, acceptance, thoughtfulness
Social Skills- which include the following: Self Management, emotional self-control, adaptability, positive outlook, achievement orientation. Social Awareness: This includes Empathy and organizational awareness. Relationship Management- especially conflict management, teamwork, inspirational leadership, coaching or mentoring, influence
Of course, I love all aspects of Yoga as an all-embracing gift in the toolbox, but before any Yoga, listen to where and when you are joyful. Assess: How much time are you willing to spend to grow happiness? What nurtures your daily life, your heart, health, spirit, and emotions? How well do you listen to your body? How creative are you willing to be to have a sane and healthy life?
When Yoga is tailored to specific needs of mind-body, you see and feel yourself differently. It expands intuitive receptivity to acknowledge emotional needs, anxiety, and spiritual desires. Are you able to partner yourself with loving acceptance? Discover then create a path that creates this within. If you already have all the love you need, then consider a Gift Certificate for someone in need…a perfect way to say, “I care. I wish to partner you as I partner myself.”
Our job is to shine our light brightly so we may shift the energy in our world. We have help from the Cosmos to do this. New information updates weekly to send us on new journeys. I add my love to join your forces in creating a more beautiful world. I welcome a greater spirit consciousness as we stand side by side steady, reaching out for one another to dance on.

Yoga Classes In-person & Zoom Everyone Welcome!
Wednesdays 5:30-6:45 pm EST– multi-level vinyasa flow integrating asanas/pranayama/mudra/chakra/mantra. We follow lunar energies of New to Full Moons
Offered through Laughing Dog Yoga, register here
Thursdays 8:30-9:30 am EST –Pilates: Core & Stretch.
This is an all levels class that strengthens the core, therefore the back, and lengthens muscle for a longer/stronger reach. Fee $15.00. For Zoom
Saturdays 9:00 – 10:30 am
This is a physical class with a spiritual chaser, layered with alignment, mudra, bandhas, contraction & release, poetry, and solar-lunar cycles of energies.
Fee: $15 For Zoom invite-
Shakti Yoga Dance International Teacher Training Begins Oct. 1, 2023
Sundays 9 am – 12:30 pm ET / European afternoons. Classes are virtual
9 weeks of exploring, discovering, & inhabiting the joy of movement connected to heart and brain. Access the layers of ‘language’ lying in wait in the body. Come join the dance!
Click here for further information